Economac: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Ekonomi
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<p>The objective of the research is to find out about how far the contributions of boarding house owner that is hotel tax (especially boarding house) toward the Original Area Revenue or Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) in Magelang City. Boarding house tax is one of hotel tax that is can give the contributions for tax that can paid to development of government in Magelang City.</p> <p>This research is do to qualitative method<strong>.</strong> The qualitative method is to do the descriptive the source of Area Original Revenue from boarding house tax in 2015-2018. The researcher also want to know about the sum of user room of boarding house, and take collaboration with the BPKAD of Magelang City to get the information about Area Original Revenue specially boarding house tax in Magelang City. The analysis use data from 2015-2017.</p> <p>The result of the research is government didn’t give the specially attention yet toward revenue that source from boarding house tax, so the sum of Area Original Revenue that sourced from boarding house are so relative small. Besides that, information from the questionnaires, almost a lot of society didn’t want to pay the tax. So the society didn’t have yet awareness of the country society to pay the tax. Beside that the effort of government didn’t optimally yet and didn’t have synergy collaboration yet between government and boarding house owner so boarding house owner didn’t have get attention from the government.</p>Lucia Rita Indrawatiendang kartini panggiartiLorentino Togar Lau
2020-06-152020-06-154111110.24036/economac/vol4-iss1/97Peran Harmony Dan Keinginan Untuk Berkembang Terhadap Keterlibatan Karyawan Dalam Organisasi
<p><em>This research aims to examine the effect of harmony and growth need strength towards employee involvement. Employee involvement plays an important role in maintaining employee long-term relationship with the organization. In this research harmony a dimension of trust which has direct and indirect influence on the organization. The direct influence of trust can be seen in attitudes, cooperation, behavior and performance at work. Meanwhile, although the relationship of growth need strength with employee involvement is well recognized, the reciprocal relationship between these constructs has never been tested in depth. This research uses a survey method to collect data through questionnaires. The sample in this study consisted of 62 respondents who came from different occupational backgrounds. Harmony and growth need strength directly influences employee involvement. It is interesting to observe when individuals with high growth needs strength and high harmony develop relationships based on social exchange theory. The results of this research found a direct influence between harmony and the growth need strength with employee involvement</em>.</p>Mega Asri Zona
2020-06-152020-06-1541121810.24036/economac/vol4-iss1/101Analisis Kepuasan Pasien Peserta BPJS Pada Instalasi Rawat Jalan Poliklinik Bedah Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Dr. M. Djamil Padang
<p><em>This study aims to determine the patient satisfaction of BPJS participants based on five dimensions, namely, tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. This research method uses descriptive research methods. The author collects data directly through a questionnaire. The sample in this study were 100 respondents (BPJS participants in the Outpatient Installation of Surgical Polyclinic at M Djamil Hospital). Samples are taken using the Slovin formula, which is a formula for calculating the minimum number of samples. Data collection methods used are field studies (distributing questionnaires and observations). Based on the results obtained, the author can provide a conclusion that the satisfaction of BPJS participants in the Outpatient Installation of the Surgical Polyclinic at RSUP M Djamil Padang has been quite satisfied. Although there are still a number of things that are not optimal, it is expected that at RSUP M Djamil Padang to provide maximum satisfaction to BPJS participants</em></p>Yolandafitri ZulviaIndry Putri Yulisa
<p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh fasilitas dan kualitas layanan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan pada kedai kopi Bengkalis di Pekanbaru. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 30 orang pelanggan yang ditentukan dengan menggunakan teknik <em>purposive sampling</em>, peneilitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif dan verifikatif dengan teknis analisis <em>Partial Least Square</em> (PLS). Data diklasifikasi berdasarkan variabel yang dijadikan model penelitian. Kemudian diukur <em>factor loading</em> (konvergen validitas), diskriminan validitas, reliabilitas, koefisien determinasi, serta koefisien path dengan menggunakan SmartPLS. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel fasilitas dan kualitas layanan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan kedai kopi Bengkalis di Pekanbaru. Sedangkan faktor yang berpengaruh paling dominan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan adalah dimensi fasilitas</p>Siti Syahsudarmin
2020-06-152020-06-1541415510.24036/economac/vol4-iss1/58Kepuasan dan Loyalitas Konsumen Air Minum Isi Ulang di Kota Padang
<p><em>The increase in the number of refill drinking water consumption (AMIU) which is the main drinking water source for the people of Padang encourages the development of the AMIU industry. This has resulted in competition between drinking water depots (DAMIU) becoming increasingly stringent so that strategies need to be identified to win the competition. The purposes of this study were to identify the prioritized attributes by consumers in buying refill drinking water, analyzing customer satisfaction and loyalty as well as recommending measures for refill drinking water depot to win the competition. The research was conducted by using a survey of consumers of family and nonfamily. Prioritized attributes by consumers based on eckenrode method were water clarity, price, distance, source of raw water, water taste and odor of water. Consumers were classified as very satisfied based on CSI results. Based on IPA results, price performance, bonuses and workers hospitality were need to be improved. CLI results indicate that consumers were loyal and there was a significant relationship between satisfaction and loyalty based on PLS. Recommendations for refill drinking water depot was to provide the best performance of prioritized attributes and increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.</em></p>Awisal FasyniMukhamad NajibKirbrandoko Kirbrandoko
2020-06-152020-06-1541567010.24036/economac/vol4-iss1/69The Interaction Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Earnings Management Using Board Characteristics as Moderating Variable
<p><em>This study examines the nature and significance of the moderating effect of board of commisioners characteristics on the relationship between the disclosure of corporate social responsibility and earnings management. Using a sample of 30 manufacturing companies listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange overs the period of 2010-2015, the results show that the disclosure of corporate social responsibility significantly affect earnings management. While board of commisioners characteristics which are board educational background and frequency of board meetings strengthen the relationship between the corporate social responsibility disclosure and earnings management</em></p>Fiola Finomia Honesty